- IECON 2024, Dynamic complex-frequency control of grid-forming converters, slides, Nov. 2024, Chicago, USA.
- Invited talk at EirGrid, Grid-forming, grid-following, and cross-forming controls, slides, Aug. 2024, remote.
- The Third Champéry Power Conference, Stability guarantees for grid-forming complex droop control, slides, Feb. 2024, Champéry, Switzerland.
- Invited talk at the 9th Workshop of Power Electronics Emerging Technologies, Multivariable grid-forming control and nonlinear stability analysis, slides, Oct. 2023, Nanjing, remote talk.
- ETH IFA coffee talk, Multivariable stability of converter-based power systems: Centralized and decentralized methods, slides, Apr. 2023, ETH Zurich.
- Invited session talk at IEEE SPIES 2022, Complex-frequency synchronization and multivariable stability analysis, Dec. 2022, remote.
- Tutorial at IECON 2021, Transient stability of power electronics-dominated power networks: Principle and application, Oct. 2021, remote.
- IAS Annual Meeting 2020, Synchronization stability analysis and enhancement of grid-tied multi-converter systems, Oct. 2020, remote.
- IEEE PESGM 2020, Transient stability analysis and enhancement of renewable energy conversion system during LVRT, Aug. 2020, remote.
- IEC SC 8A ahG 3 Meeting, Modeling of inverter-based generation for power system stability studies, Oct. 2019, Nanjing, China.
- IEEE PESGM 2019, Modeling recommendation of wind turbine/farm for power system stability studies, Aug. 2019, Atlanta, USA.
- IEEE PESGM 2019 (on behalf of Prof. GENG), Hardware-in-loop tools for power engineering education, Aug. 2019, Atlanta, USA.
- IEEE PESGM 2019, Dynamic equivalent modeling of wind power plants for various timescale small signal stability analyses, Aug. 2019, Atlanta, USA.
- IEEE PEAC 2018, Synchronization stability analysis of grid-tied power converters under severe grid voltage sags, Nov. 2018, Shenzhen, China. (Best Presenter Award)